2022 Sep. Los Angeles and San Diego traveling part 3 Going to San Diego by train, Amtrak.

The fourth day of the travel

This is Union Station, LA.
I'm going to San Diego by train, Amtrak.

Waiting room

I got on the train.
It takes about three hours from Union Station to Santa Fe station, San Diego by Amtrak.

Arrived San Diego

This is Santa Fe station.

San Diego!

I stayed at this hostel, Lucky D's Hostel for two nights.
This is near PETCO PARK.

PETCO PARK. This is the home stadium of San Diego Padres.

Gaslamp Quarter. There are a lot of bars and restaurants.


Mexican salad and Mexican Modelo beer for dinner.

Beautiful sunset.

This is sixteen years ago the same place as above. I was a college student.

To be continued.



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