2022 Sep. Los Angeles and San Diego traveling part 4 Getting around Balboa Park

The fifth day of the traveling in San Diego.

Reading room in my hostel, Lucky D's Hostel

Morning view from the room

I'm posing as reading.


I'm curious about this room. What's inside?

Dining room

Little Italy

Wild squirrel from its nest in Balboa Park



Natural History Museum

Me sitting

Japanese curry and rice

San Diego Automotive Museum

San Diego Air & Space Museum

I entered Air & Space Museum.

Amelia Earhart

To be continued.



2018年9月ヨーロッパ旅行 その21 ロンドンに到着。アビーロードの横断歩道へ。

2019年GW深圳、香港旅行 その1 日本から香港を経て深圳へ。

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